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東方幻想郷Fantasy Land ~ Lotus Land Story

Lotus Land Story is the 4th game in the Touhou Series. It was released in 1998 at Comiket 54. The game follows the singleplayer bullet hell-formula set by Story of Eastern Wonderland, this time having 6 stages instead of SoEW's 5.

The story revolves around Youkai swarming the hakurei Shrine, leading Reimu and Marisa to investigate, soon finding themselves teleported to Fantasy World through a gateway underneath a lake.

They find themselves in Fantasy World, which houses a mansion, "Mugenkan", where the mastermind supposedly resides.

Shrine Maiden Who Protects Dreams and Tradition
Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Boss (Marisa)

The shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, who possesses natural-born spiritual power but lacks training.

She's an optimist. She faces some strange incidents, but still she enjoys them. Due to her slightly emotional and simple character, she's always made fun of by Marisa.

She is the Stage 4 boss when playing as Marisa.

Being Made of Magic and Red Dreams
Marisa Kirisame
Stage 4 Boss (Reimu)

She's an ordinary girl, even though she's a magician. Her personality is somewhat self-confident, but she has enough power to support her confidence too.

She's very intelligent, and is looking for power, but is still a child. What she does in her daily life is unknown.

She is the Stage 4 boss when playing as Reimu.

Stage 1 Boss

A youkai the heroine encounters when on their way to Mugenkan. She prevents them from proceeding before defeating her.

Vampire Girl
Stage 2 Boss

Kurumi claims to be the guardian of the Lake of Blood and claims she has defeated all the intruders before the heroine. She then was defeated by the heroine who proceed onwards to the mansion.

Gatekeeper of the Mansion
Stage 3 Boss

The gatekeeper of Mugenkan, the mansion on the border of the real world and the Fantasy World. She claims she got defeated due to her not fighting in a long time and that she is supposedly really strong.

Stage 5 Boss

The one responsible for Youkai swarming the Hakurei Shrine to destroy it because she had "spare time". As she was suddenly challenged to a fight, she wasn't prepared but still accepted the challenge.

Afterwards she ran off.
Beauty of the Twilight
Final Boss

After running off, she was pursued by the heroine and showed up in a new outfit. Not affected by her sudden wake-up and the previous fight, she and the heroine once again fight, this time Yuuka is finally defeated.

Extra Stage Boss

After the events of the game, the heroine stumbles upon a mysterious world, which Mugetsu claims to be hers. She attacks the heroine out of boredom to just kill time.

Extra Stage Boss

After the events of the game, the heroine stumbles upon a mysterious world, which Gengetsu's sister Mugetsu claims to be hers. After Mugetsu is defeated, Gengetsu comes to her aid.
